Monday 21 May 2018

EXP3 Start Perspective Drawings

18 One Point Perspective Drawings in Total

First Perspective Drawing with 2 extra angles 

Second Perspective Drawing with 2 extra angles 

Third Perspective Drawing with 2 extra angles 

Fourth Perspective Drawing with 2 extra angles 

Fifth Perspective Drawing with 2 extra angles 

Sixth Perspective Drawing with 2 extra angles 

Saturday 28 April 2018

Lumion Images


36 Textures

36 Light To Dark Textures

3 Textures being used on the model:

Light Texture:

Medium Texture:

Dark Texture:

Thursday 26 April 2018

12 Axonometric Concept Drawings + 6 Parallel Projection Drawings

12 Axonometric Drawings

First Concept - Remove all unnecessary ornament

Second Concept - Animated Form

Third Concept - Aesthetic Purism

Fourth Concept -  Must be current to time when it's design, No Replica

Fifth Concept - Logical / methodical / utilitarian 

Sixth Concept -Perceptual and Visual Void

6 Parallel Projections

Animated Form + Logical / methodical / utilitarian 

Remove all unnecessary ornament + Aesthetic Purism

Must be current to time when it's design, No Replica
Perceptual and Visual Void

Saturday 24 March 2018

Finalised Model

Draft Model 2 

The second draft model at first appeared very basic and simplistic, when 3D modelling it in sketchup. After a-lot of pondering, I made the bottom half of the section just a viewing platform that both clients can view outside of the cliff-face and grab any ideas or inspirations when looking out to the landscape. Therefore I have made a new section that is underground for CJ Hendry's workspace. 

Draft Model 2

Finalized Model

Textures used in the finalized model


EXP3 Start Perspective Drawings

18 One Point Perspective Drawings in Total First Perspective Drawing with 2 extra angles  Second Perspective Drawing with 2 extra...